Today is the night of October 29, day 14, on the R/V Armstrong. Yesterday was also our cruise Humpday! YIPPIE! Our plan of the day is at our second to last station, JAX. We will start out doing a FSAS and then a BONGO and IKMT shallow tow. The waters are relatively calm, so I am hoping we catch something cool! (Although we have caught a lot of cool things up to this point.)

Yesterday we did the IKMT deep net tow, for this same site, and caught many cute flatfish and a bunch of salps. I even get to take home a Pleuronectidae (aka – flatfish)! Also, I do need a name for my little guy/girl/they so I’m open for suggestions (I’m thinking Jack, short for flapjack).

pet fish
Figure 1. My very own Pleuronectidae! (Photo credits – Katelyn Castler).


On a side note, I saw a whole double rainbow this morning. It was gorgeous! The rainbow really made waking up better than Folgers in my cup.

Figure 2. The double rainbow seen from the RV Armstrong. (Photo credits – Cassidy Bell).


The last side note… IT’S ALMOST HALLOWEEN!!! We are just a one more day away from Halloween, and I just can’t wait to break out my costume. Everyone on the cruise has been preparing by watching Halloween movies during our breaks and decorating the dry lab. I can’t wait to see everyone’s costumes, besides Joe’s (because he never brought one). Maybe we’ll catch either the Loch Ness sea monster, Kraken, or Mermaids during one of our deep tows (fingers crossed). Also, for everyone back home, I hope you all have a Spooktacular Halloween!

By Katelyn Castler.