Dec 11, 2020 - Running Sound Speed Experiments by Brandyn Lucca, Stony Brook University

Howdy! My name is Brandyn Lucca, and I am a graduate student at Stony Brook University. This will be my fifth ADEON cruise, and third aboard the R/V Neil Armstrong, studying how underwater sound bounces and scatters off of individual critters in the ocean. This involves everything from running experiments aboard the boat, measuring the acoustic signature of animals in an aquarium, to simply taking photos of each specimen we catch to collect information on body length and shape.

Dec 10, 2020 - A Very Happy Day by Jennifer Miksis-Olds, ADEON PI, UNH

Today was a very happy day aboard the RV Armstrong, preceded by a very sad and disappointing one the day before. Yesterday, our first task of the day was to recover the bottom lander that was deployed about a year ago at the WIL site off the coast of NC. This lander sat on the bottom of the ocean collecting acoustic and oceanographic data for over a year. The lander is equipped with 2 releases for redundancy to ensure that if one malfunctions and does not release the weights, the second release code can be sent for the backup release to disengage and allow the lander to rise to the surface. Alas, none of the release codes brought the lander to the surface yesterday after both confirming that they had in fact been released.

Dec. 9, 2020 - Among the Sargassum by Hannah Blair, PhD Student, Stony Brook University

Last night we conducted our first zooplankton net tows of the trip, just off Cape Hatteras. I still get excited by the prospect of what organisms we might catch. Looking over the sides of the ship as we sent out the nets this time, I could already guess one thing we’d be pulling in: sargassum (a type of seaweed).  Sargassum is a macroalgae extremely common to this region of the Atlantic Ocean. In fact, this seaweed was named after it – the Sargasso Sea sits at the center of a circulating current system that forms the North Atlantic Gyre.

Dec 8, 2020 - New guy on the ship! by Grant Milne, UNH PhD Student

Hello AR49 ADEON cruise blog readers. My name is Grant, and I’m a second-year PhD student under Dr. Jennifer Miksis-Olds who graciously invited me along on the final cruise of the ADEON project. As a new guy on the ship (the only new guy actually), I’ve spent the start of this voyage adapting to life on the ship. Luckily, I managed to dodge the horrors of seasickness, which the crew and other scientists were sure to warn me about, especially given our flirtation with the nasty nor’Easter cruising up the coast.

Day 3, December 07 – Jason strong arms the deck space! by Carmen Lawrence

Hello everyone! I’m Carmen Lawrence, a project scientist with JASCO Applied Sciences. My role as part of the science team is facilitating the deployment and recovery of the landers and ensuring the sensors on board are installed and functioning properly. This is my fifth ADEON cruise – I’ve been on all of them!

Day 2, December 06 – Sailing Southward by Joe Warren

Dec 06 – Sailing Southward

So we’re traveling south to our first lander site off the coast of North Carolina and have a fairly long steam ahead of us.  Thankfully, we’ve managed to let the big nor’Easter pass through us, but we’ve still got some lumpy seas (much like mashed potatoes, lumps in the seas are not ideal) ahead.

Welcome to AR049 ADEON Cruise 5 -December 5

Today we set sail on the R/V Neil Armstrong for its 49th science cruise. ADEON is accompanied this year by the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Jason team. There has been a nasty storm on the NE Coast, and by delaying a day we will hopefully miss the full force of the storm.  It will be a very bumpy ride for the first 12 hours until we emerge to the south of the storm.  Send thoughts of strength and calm stomachs to our soon to be seasick science crew.
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